
GIULIO CHIANDETTI, chitarrista goriziano, si č diplomato a pieni voti e lode al Conservatorio "G.Tartini" di Trieste, sotto la guida di Bruno Tonazzi. Si č perfezionato in seguito con Ruggero Chiesa, frequentando inoltre numerosi corsi tenuti da concertisti di chiara fama come B.Davezac, A.Diaz, J.Tomas e per la musica antica J.Hinohosa e H.Smith. Diplomatosi anche in pianoforte, ha poi seguito i corsi di composizione.
Vincitore di concorsi nazionali di chitarra, ha ben presto intrapreso una rilevante attivitā concertistica in Italia ed all’estero (Francia, Slovenia, Grecia, Germania, Egitto, Finlandia, U.S.A. ed Ucraina) riportando ovunque lusinghieri consensi di critica e di pubblico.
Ha registrato per diverse emittenti radiotelevisive italiane e straniere. Alcuni compositori gli hanno dedicato propri lavori. Molto attivo nella musica da camera, collabora stabilmente con cantanti.
Svolge un’intensa attivitā didattica.

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The guitarist, Giulio Chiandetti, was born in Gorizia, Italy, in 1962. He studied classical guitar with Bruno Tonazzi. at the "G. Tartini" Conservatory of Music in Trieste, where he received his diploma in 1982. He then continued his studies with Ruggiero Chiesa and attended master-classes held by well-known concert artists such as B. Davezac,  A. Diaz,  J. Tomas and ancient music experts J. Hinohosa and H. Smith. He is nonetheless an accomplished musician having obtained his Piano diploma in 1988 and completed courses in musical composition.

As a concert guitarist, he has received critical acclaim in Italy and abroad (France, Slovenia, Greece, Germany, Egypt, Finland, the USA and Ukraine) and has also won several national guitar competitions. He has recorded for the RAI (Italy), N.D.R. (Germany) and RTV Ljubljana (Slovenija) and composers have written works specially for him. Chamber music repertoire being his main interest, he regularly performs in duo or trio with singers and guitarists. He is a well-known teacher in the region.

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